
New wedding firm offering gorgeous wedding dresses

Fiona Lambert and Maria Barrett have launched Gorgeous Girl Weddings (GGW) to provide handmade wedding and prom dresses which would be available online.
Mrs Lambert, a former theatrical costumier and bespoke bridal dress designer whose first job was working in the box office at Wimbledon Theatre, says she is eager to put her skills to use in creating tailor-made wedding dresses.
The company is currently based in Paragon Road, Weston, and offers dresses from the cheapest bronze range, up to the platinum range.
Mrs Lambert met Mrs Barrett, a former student ballet dancer with the Rambert Dance Company, 10 years ago and last year they decided to team up to launch a new venture.
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Mrs Lambert added: “We decided to launch GGW as we both love beautiful gowns and are passionate about providing a new way for brides and discerning customers to buy bridal and special occasion dresses via an e-commerce business.”
“In the UK there aren’t many online businesses selling dresses for weddings, as people usually tend to go into a shop and see what is there.
“A lot of people nowadays pick dresses to fit themselves from websites, and they are then shipped over from China or other countries.
“For some reason we don’t do that in the UK, so I wanted to offer something where people could pick what size and style they want that’s best for them, it’s made in the UK and then delivered to them.”
As well as offering cheap wedding dresses, the company also offers a range of prom, ball and dress gowns, which can be selected from their ranges or made to order.

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